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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sav of the Day

Pvt. 1st Class Anthony T. Kaho'ohanohano

This Hawaiian dude was recently awarded the Medal of Honor, despite getting killed in 1951. Serving in the Korean War, he committed some of the most commendable acts of savagery in the stage of battle that I have ever heard. Basically what happened was the 21 year old Kaho and his battalion were getting hit real hard by the Asians. They were clearly outnumbered and were forced to retreat. But Kaho being the sav that he is went back behind enemy lines by himself and proceeded to fire at them until he was out of ammunition, at which point he engaged in hand to hand combat until he was killed. The total kill count: 14. That's an unbelievable kill to death ratio.. 14 to 1. But this is real fucking life. Kids got some balls.

1 comment:

  1. I feel it is wise to say never fuck with a native Hawaiian. clearly the savage strength of Hawaiians is shared (BJ Penn and Uncle Tito are only a couple of examples) must be all the coconuts and rum and scantily clad babes.
