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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ken Rosenthal is Trying to be Craig Sager

We all know Craig Sager is a giant clown. He's always seen in the most awful suits, and he's pretty much just the joke of TNT/TBS sports. However, lately Ken Rosenthal has been trying to give him a run for his money. His attire for Game 5 of the world series was extremely bizarre. To put it bluntly, neither of them will be considered for a Sav of the Day.

Marcel the Shell

Reminds me of someone I know...

Get This Guy Another Fuckin' Beer

Holiday Power Rankings

Holidays are always a heated topic of discussion. Which holiday is the best? Which holiday is the worst? And whats Kwanzaa, anyway? Well, in honor of Halloween, here are your holiday power rankings.

1. Christmas

Christmas is everyone's favorite. Even Jewish people love it because they know Hanukkah is near also! The whole Santa myth was pretty unbelievable, though. I mean, not everyone has a chimney. And did poor people think Santa just screwed them over every year?

2. New Years Eve

Everyone loves New Years Eve because its the universal day of getting shitfaced. New Years Day sucks though.. whats the point of it. I always feel guilty and uncomfortable in the whole "new year" thing.

3. Halloween

Girls in slutty outfits and candy.

4. Saint Patrick's Day

There's really not much to it- just getting drunk and being proud of your heritage, or just wishing you were irish. It used to suck when we were young though... we didn't even get a day off, and odds are your parents would cook some bullshit Irish dinner.

5. Thanksgiving

I guess I have to give Thanksgiving the edge. The food is usually pretty good, and we have the day off the next day. Truthfully, most holidays aren't that good, but they usually signal a day off, which is key.

Sad News Out of Brazil


Brazil elects first women president...Sucks to be from Brazil now.. a real shame

And she's beat!

Sav of the Day

Daily, I will choose who I think is the Sav of the Day. This is an important honor, one that will only come once in a person's life, maybe twice.

Brian Wilson

Brian Wilson is one of the biggest savs in baseball today. His dyed black beard, coupled with his overall unusual demeanor, makes him a complete boss. He just has the attitude of someone who does not give a fuck about anything, and he just plain does not get rattled. Ever.. fact.


Kyle's Picks

Every few days I'm going to have a column called Kyle's Picks. This will be an area where I pick things-- whether it be sports or lists on things. Today, in honor of election day, I will choose my picks for the elections.

Pennsylvania Governor
Dan Onorato vs. Tom Corbett

This is really heating up. Onorato looks like he has the youth on his side, while Corbett has some solid thoughts.
The Edge: Dan Onorato

Massachusetts Congressman
Bill Keating vs. Jeff Perry

This is turning into a real barn burner. Perry has been accused of being a sex offender by his opponent, while Keating is interested in trust. Perry is the slick talker, while Keating has a real interesting family with diverse backgrounds (jewish).

The Edge: Bill Keating


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